Thursday, January 20, 2011
Things of Beauty
Since January is my least favorite month, I have decided to fend off winter craziness by looking for beauty in the blah. For instance, patches of blue sky after 2 solid weeks of grey overcast glumness. Beautiful! Wind blown snow from the roof that sparkles in the street lights... definately beautiful, and makes me think of pixie dust. Snow cap toppers on fence posts that the wind has carved and shaved until they resemble whip cream dollops. Okay, maybe not beautiful, but interesting to look at! The smiles on my sons' faces as they glide down the hill on their saucer sleds. Absolutely beautiful!!
In case my readers think this is enough to beat the insanity, I assure you it isn't and I have other plans. Swimming, for starters; waterslides and friends, then pizza afterward-- what could be better in January? (For those stuck here without the luxury of trips to warmer climates, I mean.) Then there is always the barbecue, sitting out there so lonely... simply dust the snow off and throw the steaks on. The smell alone is beauty. I also have in the planning folder of my brain a Girlfriends Mexican Night. Mmmmm, enchiladas! That may just have to wait. February will definately need some help..
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Primetime Blues
Ten years later I cannot believe how overrun my digital guide is with so-called reality television! Dance shows, talent searches, reno and decorating catastrophies, vying for love lies, even just total smut like Jersey Shore!! I mean, COME ON!!! It's all just blah, blah, blah - the bullet train to Dullsville. I'm so done with it!
This dreary winter I will break out of the blues. I will instead soak up the beautiful scenery and excitement found in Hawaii 5-0. I will laugh my ass off at How I Met Your Mother reruns. I will even let the occasional tear escape for victims in Criminal Minds. (Yes, I can be an overemotional loser)
I may be found peeking in on Survivorman, though, because you just never know... that info could come in handy.