Thursday, October 30, 2008


It has been about a week since I've written anything... it's busy here at the Surry home. I have managed to pack quite a bit, though more awaits me. Much more. We have 21 days to go, then Moving Day! I am so very excited, I can't believe I am sitting still as I write this. What a whirlwind this has been; but a great, fantastic whirlwind. I don't mind packing...but un-packing is WAY more fun.
Aside from the packing, I have writers block...can't think of anything to write about. A week now, and haven't found an exciting topic, or any topic that would be of mild interest to anyone. Nothing new on the homefront; the boys are still only taking a few steps on their own. Most of me feels anxious...I want them to start walking already!! Walking, running, jumping...I am excited for it. But of course there is that smaller part of me that thinks "just ENJOY the fact they are still crawling!!! You nutty woman!!!" The only thing new really is the mimicking. They love to mimic Dad, and that can be trouble. The boys have this toy hammer, and Daddy used it to bop them on the head (NOT hard or anything, so don't think we beat them...) and now they use toys and anything else to bop themselves on the head! That is only one example of the copy-cat tricks.

Halloween is tomorrow!! I LOVE Halloween. I remember eating a rushed supper so we could take off trick-or-treating immediately after! I remember watching the Disney Halloween Special, with clips from spooky shows like the Headless Horseman, the witch from Snow White, etc. etc. My fave!! I enjoy carving pumpkins, roasting the seeds, and watching scary movies late into the night.

This year we are not taking our boys trick-or-treating, which means I'll be missing out on a lot of candy. Might have to just buy some for myself. But the boys are too small; I just know if we went everyone who opened the door to us would be thinking "what is she doing? those kids are too small to eat candy, obviously it's for HER!" Anyway, it's not as though the boys will understand what's going on; maybe next year.

Hard to believe we don't have snow yet...although the air is COLD today, so snow may be imminent.

Can you tell I'm blocked? I can't think of a thing to write. This small update will have to do for today's post, cuz it's all I got.

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