Here is my rockin' husband, his dad, and the boys last year.
This week the inspiration for My Husband Rocks Friday is our first Christmas spent together. Obviously the pictures above are NOT of our first Christmas, but in them are the people (minus the babies) that we spent our first Christmas together with.
The first Christmas we shared was 8 years ago (already??!?!). One of the main reasons I fell in love with my husband was his dedication and love for his family. It's hard for him because his parents live in seperate provinces and he rarely sees them together. Christmases we almost always spend with his dad, who loves the holiday and does it up right. This particular Christmas, the first ever with the Surrys, was full of love, family, food and joy. I have since learned that this is how every Christmas is for them.
Jon's dad is married to a wonderful woman who does her best to make everyone feel welcome and loved, accepted. She did that for me that first year, and every year since. Also with us were my husbands grandparents, who he loves very much. I could easily see that when he spent hours playing cards, visiting, and generally enjoying their company. Jon's grandmother has since passed on to a better place, leaving her family to remember her loving spirit and missing her still. I miss her so much.
So there we are, enjoying eachothers company and listening to music of the season, eating endless delicious dishes and treats. The holiday was filled with cards (canasta to be specific), food, and loved ones. It was wonderful. Jonny gave me a huge star-shaped vanilla candle (which I still have to this day, only half-burned up) and some chapstick, of which I am extremely addicted.
I loved our first Christmas together. I have loved every Christmas since. It is a joy to be around my husband and his family!! I am really looking forward to this Christmas, which will find me in the midst of laughter, loving family, and a few extra pounds to shed next year :) .