Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Love the 'Landing'

We live on the edge of town in a new(er) development, only 3 years old, with a small shopping area. You know those ones with names like (insert name of neighborhood here) Point, or (again, name of neighborhood) Crossing. Ours is called the Landing. How trendy!

It has one of everything important - a drugstore (Shoppers, my fave), a gas station (Petro, which is Jonny's fave), a Tim Hortons (of course!) and our bank. Actually, it has 3 banks, luckily one of which is ours. I didn't say grocery store, because there wasn't one, but the Shoppers is the one with the food essentials area, so we did ok. I wonder why they call it Food Essentials when they don't have any fresh vegetables or fruits? Regardless, it worked for us in a pinch.

Then they started building a Sobey's! I waited, and waited, and waited for this store to open because it would then mean we have everything we need within walking distance to our house. With only one vehicle which goes to work with Jonny, this was pretty exciting news. Then it opened. Just when I didn't think my excitement could possibly grow any fuller, I saw the sign. Sobey's. Open 24 Hours.

WOOO HOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you kidding me??? Forget milk? No problem. Sick kids need medicine? No worries. No need to drive into the city to areas of questionable safety at 3:30 AM, just a 2 minute drive down the street. I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Samples Sampler said...

I wish I lived within walking distance of a Tim Horton's! Heck, I'd even take driving distance! Glad you have a grocery store so close and is open 24 hours. Life is good!