Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Firefighters

                 I want to send a big THANK YOU out to the New York City Fire Department for realizing that kids love fire trucks and making a video about the job of being a hero. 

                 My boys are crazy about firefighters (or fighterfighters, as David calls them) and while in Walmart the other day I found a video.  It's called 'All About Big Red Fire Engines' or something like that... sounded about perfect so I bought it.  David and JD LOVE it!! 

                 The FDNY made this video 15 years ago; firefighters go through every tool on the truck and explain how it works and what it's used for (including the saws and Jaws of Life, which at first I thought would scare them but it didn't), then does the same for all the gear the firefighters wear and why, finally showing the trucks and firefighters in action going to a fire scene.  HOW INCREDIBLY AWESOME!!! 

                  Now the boys run around putting on imaginary gear and jump in their firetrucks and race to a scene.  David will put his hand up to his ear and say "Oh no! I hear a fire!  I better go!" and then take off running to the rescue.  It's so adorable, I love it.  As a birthday present I want to find them firefighter costumes, they would freak out!!


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